> Which was more intimidating:Mike Tyson's Lion stare or Muhammad Ali's trashtalk?

Which was more intimidating:Mike Tyson's Lion stare or Muhammad Ali's trashtalk?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
during the staredown which was more intimidating:Mike Tyson's Lion stare or Muhammad Ali's trashtalk?

Dissecting intimidation is subjective, but personally, Tyson's stare.

After all, when somebody talks trash, what is the reaction? A challenge. A threat to one's integrity and a desire to disprove the trash talker, usually with more trash.

When someone gives you a nasty or otherwise powerfully silent look, what is the reaction? Few people will detest it, rather, they silently wonder about the look and hold back out of fear and uncertainty given they only got a 'look' and have no idea what may come of it.

And the few that call out an intimidating gaze, are trash talkers themselves.

That's just my my 2¢

Definitely Tyson's stare down. WIth Ali, his opponents knew he was just trying to hype the fight, and it was pretty obvious that it was all a show. He was just kidding around and having fun. Perhaps, his early opponents got intimidated but once the others found out it was just Ali's shtick, they kinda played around with it. On the other hand, Tyson's opponents knew what that stare meant - that Mike would really try to hurt them.

Would have to be tyson. Ali wasn't trying to intimidate anyone. His poems were funny and he didn't want to talk about his opponents unless u forced him too. He talked about himself 90 percent of the time. How great pretty or fast he was.

Dude.... the only thing looking back at your from Mike Tyson is a dial tone.

during the staredown which was more intimidating:Mike Tyson's Lion stare or Muhammad Ali's trashtalk?