> Who would win in a street fight between Mr. T, and Smokin' Joe Frazier?

Who would win in a street fight between Mr. T, and Smokin' Joe Frazier?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Hello again Z! I loved Joe Frazier as he was my first favorite fighter and the reason I got into boxing as a teenager many years ago,lol! In the ring Joe Frazier would demolish Mr. T. and I would pity the fool that thought otherwise but to his credit, Mr. T. who is also a cancer surivivor like myself was a bouncer and no doubt could take down bad men that gave him any trouble and was very powerful physically and much stronger thatn Joe Frazier. In a legitimate street fight my money would be on Mr. T over Joe Frazier.

Considering that Smokin' Joe is now Dead and Rotting Joe, Mr. T would win although the smell from Joe's rotting corpse might knock him out.

It wouldn't go the distance either way.

Mr T. was an actor/bouncer but only a fictional character/fighter in the Rocky movie....Frazier easy and early.

Down goes Mr T..Down goes Mr T in 2...

Joe, no contest

The EMT's. when you consider how old those guys are...