> If i take pills will i have better defense when it comes to boxing?

If i take pills will i have better defense when it comes to boxing?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Honestly, most people with ADHD tend to do better in the ring when they do not take their medication.

First of all, ADHD medications, such as Adderall or Vyvance, contain amphetamine, which can be an illegal substance in a boxing competition. If a doctor allows for it, then it may be allowed. But I'm not 100% positive on that ruling. You may want to further research that.

But second, due to the amphetamine that the medication contains, it can be harmful to take when competing in combat sports. By nature, the medicine increases your heart rate. This can be very dangerous while boxing. Again, this is something I would get a doctor's advice on.

Third, most people take this medication for learning. When they try to concentrate, they are unable to do so because their brain is overacting. So they take this medication to calm & slow the nerves in their brains. So, obviously, you do not want to slow your brain's receptors down any when you are boxing. But again...talk to a doctor.

But, in my own personal opinion, and experience, boxers who need to (and do) take this medication, tend to perform much better when they do not take the medication. When they do take it, it seems as if they are "in their head" too much. They do too much thinking, and not enough doing. But those who take this medication, usually have an issue in real world situations with trying to multi-task everything, and thus never actually getting anything done. But, in the boxing ring, this is a good issue to have. A ton of things happening at once, and reacting without thinking it through, is what you train your body to do anyways. So why would you take something that would make your brain not work this way when boxing? To be perfectly honest with you, some of the best fighters I've ever known have had some type of learning disorder. They aren't, or weren't over-thinkers, they are/were fast actors and reactors.

So, in the end, I say NO. I don't see how affecting your natural thought process would be, at all, helpful for you in boxing. If anything, I think it would be much more harmful than anything else.

Also, I would think it would be dangerous to your health (but again, for this part, ask a doctor).

I hope this helps!

Good Luck

No. Being more focused would help but doesn't teach you to read the other person body language and to have fast reflexes when the other is attacking. To improve you need to practice sparring a lot and do plenty of shadow boxing, so the memory is In your muscle and they start to automatically be in the place before you brain fully understands the request it sent.

That could totally depend. Are you even allowed to take medication while boxing, I would check with whoever is in charge (If its some kind of boxing establishment).

In theory.. It should help you but that all depends like I said before. Nobody can really answer this for you as it varies person to person. If you're allowed to take medication while boxing, Try it once to see if it works?

All i can really Say/Suggest.

well if you get distracted when sparring due to your adhd then yes, other than that i can't see it making any difference

I use to have adhd and still sort of do my hyperness is under control its my short attention spand so if i take pills that help me focus better and longer would i be able to see the punches better in the ring when i spar?