> Mohammed Ali or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Who will be remembered longer?

Mohammed Ali or Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart. Who will be remembered longer?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Two icons but outside of their respective fields who will be remembered longer?

Ali will be remembered the longest by the majority of people who are into sports which are a lot. Mozart is just a name and only a minority of people listen to his music. Put both their pictures side by side 50 years from now and see who the people recognize. It will be Ali.

I got a bit worried at first, as I thought that your name was Eric Cantona - ha ha. He will be "remembered" for a long time too...

Hmmm, great question. Wolfgand has been "remembered" for over 200 years already, and is still universally popular.

Mohammed won the award of the greatest sportsman in the 20th century, and even with the recent decline of boxing, is still very popular.

I think I will have to go with Wolfgang!

I love Ali but Mozart for sure.

Mozart's music will last forever.

Heavyweight champions come and go but Ali was the BEST.

I loathe classical music, call me a barbarian but I couldn't even tell the difference between Mozart, Bach or Beethoven. I think Ali eclipsed Mozart, in fact I don't even like Mozart's music.

Mozart is taught at school, Muhammad Ali is not and shouldn't even be taught in a boxing gym, he had superhuman reflexes but his style is bad for the rest of us.

I dont even know who the hell mozart is but im a really die hard Ali fan Soo....Ali

Its Muhammad and comparing him to Mozart is like comparing apples to rocks or rocks to apples

music always lasts longer but there are lots of videos of ali so I say ali.

mozart's been dead over 200 years so i would say probably Mozart.

Two icons but outside of their respective fields who will be remembered longer?