> I lost a fist fight feel like ****?

I lost a fist fight feel like ****?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
You might learn a thing from my idol, Diego.

You know, my boy is unbeaten in 44 fights. And his best strategy in getting that spectacular feat is, don't fight tough opponents even if they're small. He made you fight him? Ok so why didn't you demand for an olympic style drug test? It worked for my idol, I tell you. Its the best excuse so far.lol

It only feels like that in your own head. Believe me it isn't over.

Lots of kids have lost a fight or two before you, and it was not the end of the world.

I had a classmate in high school who lost all his fist fights and hes still around.

Look at it this way, losing this one is the probably the best thing that could have happened to you. This could either help you decide not to ever fight again or help you get into training to learn how to really fight.

I am going to give you the same advice I give all kids DON'T FIGHT IN THE STREETS. Stop crying about getting your a$$ kicked be a man. Don't worry about what the kids have to say now maybe you will stick your head in those books instead of some guys fist.

In the way of Nelson - Ha ha...

Best that you cry now and smile later. Don't fight.

ok boxin best fast fight

okay see it like this u seen a fight before at school??? okay do u think about it ??? okay theres your answer

if u never then... oooohhh

Stop being a little baby.

Ok so I got in a fist fight today and I lost now I feel like **** my head hurts my feet but that's not the point. I feel like the world is over because I'm going be made fun of at school for losing to a freshman and I'm a sophmore. Alot of people are just going laugh at me especially the girl I have a crush on :( I think it's all done for me

- I didn't want to fight he made me