> Is knockout power something your just born with?

Is knockout power something your just born with?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
google it

Well some people can be born with knock out power so yes you probably are

In boxing punchers are born not made

Your born with it not made at all....

Ok last year I was fat and unhealthy and i weighed 180 pounds and I couldn't even do a push up. I fought this kid last year and I almost knocked him out. I did a counter punch and he just quit. He started to bleed like crazy and I busted his teeth. I through a lot of good punches but when my adreline was pumping it was over. He hit me in my face and I didn't even feel it and my punch felt stronger too. Am I naturally gifted with knock out power? And now it's 2013 and I lift weights now and I am 165 pounds with some muscles. and I almost broke my school locker by punching it.