> Punching power, born or made?

Punching power, born or made?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
You are born with punching power. It is a natural gift for some people. Of course anyone can improve their punching power somewhat with proper exercises but basically it comes naturally.

well, that's a complex question, but i tend to believe its hard work and training, remember before he was a great puncher George Foreman was training in boxing, my father for example, was a skinny guy, he looked more like a soccer player than a boxer, but he ended up lifting weights and became very big and strong, he gained about a stone in muscle, and when he punched someone in a fight, he broke their jaw, shoulder, ribs, anything he hit because he was just so strong, i recall him going to punch a man in the face and the guy tried moving and got it in the shoulder, his while shoulder snapped, that punch was made with hard work and training, we wasn't born that strong, no one is born strong, its depends on their upbringing, some people can see to be born strong, but we don't know what they've done in their life, for all we know they were carrying heavy objects t make a living before hand, or other variables, s that's my theory, there's no such thing as a born puncher, only hard work and training.

You hit the nail on the head with George Foreman, he is a perfect example of someone that was just born with heavy hands/punching power see how he literally lifted 'Smoking' Joe Frazier completely off the ground in their 1st fight that just isn't something that can be taught or trained it is born or gifted

Punching power is easier to get than hand speed. If u put on weight, u improve your power because there is more weight behind your punches. Momentum = mass x velocity. U can also improve punching power by weight lifting

this Q was already been asked and resolved last year...

so yeap, power is in-born...imagine if someone who possesses it knew how to improve and utilize it in training

while those who aint born w/ it will just rely on their wit to win

I tend to agree. Some athletes are stronger than others.

Punchers are BORN, period. Watch this and hear it from one of the game's greatest punchers, Mike Tyson himself.

I think it's made. you could be strong as **** and have no pain tolerance in your knuckles. and vice versa.

Born, no doubt.


Just want to get your opinions whether a boxers power is born or made. I think it is both as while you can improve your power with technique and training there are some born with superhuman power. (George Foreman)