> Do you think Mike Tyson could have lasted longer without the drugs?

Do you think Mike Tyson could have lasted longer without the drugs?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
it was not only drugs he married a no good for nothing gold digging wife and she was at the heart of his problems and her mother to. to much money to young and so full of c mm that it messed him up

@tendor. Soo true man


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When a man is suffering from premature ejaculation, he is often climaxing before his partner and in the case of most men it is difficult if not impossible for them to continue intercourse after ejaculating. That’s because chemicals are released when a man ejaculates and these are the same chemicals that make a person feel sleepy and/or not aroused. It’s not that they have suddenly lost interest; just their brain is telling them that the sex is over. This effect is more prominent after intercourse than after masturbation because intercourse actually causes four times more of these chemicals to be released. If premature ejaculation occurs frequently, it can lead to embarrassment for the man and sexual frustration for both partners.

Bye Bye

Tedor answered it best

It was not drugs that did Tyson in. It was his frustrations in life following the death of his coach and father figure Cus D'Amato the only man who truly and sincerely showed love and care for the orphaned Mike. Like anybody else Mike longed to be loved and wanted but all he got was people taking advantage and living off his success and wealth as heavyweight champion.after Cus had gone.

That made him truly very angry and hateful which translated to some of his brutal and spectacular KOs inside the ring.

But then there are smart boxers who knew how to take advantage of that Tyson situation and turn it to a weakness in their favor. Tyson was known for his guts his intestinal fortitude but he was very weak mentally and intellectually. Buster Douglas and then Evander Holyfield exploited that in destroying his myth of invincibility.

He was a very broken man spiritually after those defeats.

The defeats to Lewis and the rest were just mopping up operations of whatever was still left in his fighting spirit. .

I know Mike Tyson when he lost to Kevin Mcrbride ( In which I had Tyson winning the fight in every round, but he quit ) He looked like he didn't care and said he had no passion for the sport. He also looked like he was on a huge drug binge that caught up to him there. I know many fighters retire in their late 30's, but some like Larry Holmes, Holyfield, George Foreman do well into their late 40's. If Mike had stayed away from drugs, kept training, threw those viscious punches into his 40's, do you think he would have done well? I mean the heavyweight division by then took a downturn and klishtco is only 3 or 4 years younger than Tyson.