> Does Mike Tyson have a college education?

Does Mike Tyson have a college education?

Posted at: 2015-04-20 
Just from the way he speaks

Mike tyson never graduated High scool let alone have a College degree. He was a at risk youth that used boxing as a way to make a life for himself. He may not be articulate but he was a great boxer that gave back to the Sport. His personal life allowed him to succeed at the top level because he discovered his hidden talent. However, he started to gamble and have promoter issues the more he became famous. Now he is " sober " because he is involved in movies and broadway.

No. He is articulate, to a point...

He has an education that only the rough streets of Brooklyn could give. Although, his lack of intelligence has help in his quick demise, his recent resurrection is product of the smarts he has.

no , but tyson is very clever self taught guy . from hearing tyson speak over the years i would guess he would have an IQ of about 130 + which is pretty high .

He did not went to college, i think he has a degree of becoming worlds most popular @sshole in his prime...

He has a masters degree in kicking peoples ***

A normal person doesn't want to eat your children and praise allah at the same time.

Yes, but I forget whether it was Harvard or Yale.

Probably not, but I knew someone that graduated from grade school and still couldn't read.

Just from the way he speaks